This whole thing is great, but you have to stay with it till the end to fully appreciate.

Note: I hear the actors in this are the same ones in the original. Cool, huh?


Anonymous said…
Oh, man. Thanks for posting that---I hadn't seen it anywhere else!
This is too cool. Which one is the original vidoe? I'm all curious now.
Hey, Lizard and constantly dramatic: Glad you liked it.

I just looked up the background from Museum of Moving Image -- But, there's an even better history of the "Whassup?" Ad on Wikipedia.

Here's the short answer:
The "Wassup" Guys Return for an Independent Obama Ad:

Charles Stone III, the film director who made the popular "Wassup" commercial for Budweiser in 1999, has created a pro-Obama sequel. This independently produced Web video which seems bound to become a viral video hit. It has received half a million YouTube views within its first day of being posted.

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