My better-late-than-never New Year's Resolutions for 2009
Today is Monday, January 5th, 2009. It is the first day back at school (for my kids) and back at work (for my husband). I have made it through zero "alone time" for over 5 weeks solid without voluntarily checking into the Brattleboro Retreat Farm to "pat the bunnies" forever. But, what today really means, for me , is that today is my own "New Year's Day." Naturally, the first thing I do with my independence is check Bamboo Nation to see what I've missed. And I see I missed something crucial: My list of New Year's Resolutions. (Below is a link to the post from Bamboo Nation which got me thinking about the importance of actually making resolutions.) Happy New Year! Dream Big ! The best part of Prince Gomolvilas's wonderfully written, inspiring post, (which I highly suggest you read) was this: ...Now don't get me wrong. I like my life. And I find tremendous value in appreciating what I have now and where I am—appreciating the pre...