Simple was perfect.

This weekend, we did nothing in particular, and it was just right. Life was in balance. We did some shopping for the kids's school clothes. We talked about native plants in our garden. We rented Some Like It Hot , and made simple dishes at home and we tended our new growing lawn of green. Why did we pick this movie for our "Girls Night In?" Watching this movie with my daughters was a great opportunity to discuss how men and women are treated differently in society. It had plenty of laughs for the kids and the clever dialogue kept, me, as a grown up quite entertained and moved without having to traumatize the kids with the more complex and cynical subtext of the film. It was a good choice for me because I've been wanted to show them the older films that rely on talent of the performers to entertain. It was wonderful to show them that a great scene is shot without a laugh track or any manipulative music and even without color and can be so much more mag...