The scariest person I used to know. And I sure don't mean biblically.

*Blog author update: My blog contains far more postings about Eric Schaeffer than this first inaugural post. Therefore, if so motivated, you may read more about on this blog b y clicking here .) So, I've been thinking: After a while we all probably know someone, somewhere who has at some point done something mildly interesting. At least, I hope we do. But have you ever given any thought to who may be the scariest person you have ever met? I have. Yes, because when I'm not spending all my free time baking whole wheat things and hand-sewing doll clothing for my kids. (as if. ) I am also occasionally a thinker-of-dumb-things, which is why I realize now, just who the scariest person I used to know is: (Drum roll, please.) Eric Schaeffer. Yes. That , Eric Schaeffer . The same one who I know a lot of people have previously loved to hate . However, I actually have the dubious distinction of having gone to the same high school with him and perform in high school plays wit...