We finally all the got the (Swine) flu, here.

I had a vaccine, but I guess when everyone around you has it, you're going to get it, anyway. I mean, it was an act of the purest optimism to think that I would avoid the flu given that the day I got vaccinated both my husband and daughter came down with it. It took 6 days for the bug to work it's magic on me, and now I've got it. Today, I went in and tested positive for H1N1, even though I didn't have a fever at the time. For some reason this seemed to surprise the doctor. I don't know why, I explained the three other people I live with also have it. So, within one week and it got every one of us. I still think the vaccine is useful, but apparently it takes a long time for it to kick in. In the end, it didn't help me much after all. By the time I was home today from the clinic I'd hit 102 and was sneezing more than I ever have in my life. Oh, well. Thank God for TCM and motrin and kleenex and great nurses in this ward. By they wa...