My Halloween Movie Un-Review of "Paranormal Activity"

"What was that?" Right now I'm sitting at home, wearing a witch's hat next to a bowl of candy waiting for all those trick or treaters to arrive while my own goblins are off at another Halloween party. That means is this is a perfect opportunity to write my quick un-review of "Paranormal Activity" which we saw this weekend. Here's the film's official trailer. Here's the q uick Un-Review: "Paranormal Activity" was a lot of fun, but not perfect. And here's the longer, and admittedly more rambling review: Unlike early reviewers claimed, "Paranormal Activity" does not out perform the "Blair Witch Project." Frankly, for a date-night movie costing over forty bucks to see, I truly wish it had . The "Blair Witch" film still is a more cohesive and suspenseful film, but this one is a very close second place. In spite of looking forward to "Paranormal Activity...