Why November reminds me of Pina Bausch

I first saw Pina Bausch at The Brooklyn Academy of Music in the late fall of 1985. Then, again in 1986. I had no idea who she was when I was first invited to go see her work, and to be honest, had no idea what I was in store for when the lights went up. It was only after seeing Pina Bausch 's Tanztheater Wuppertal perform that fall, when I finally discovered that a medium as elusive as "Dance" can provide work that is both exquisitely beautiful, heartbreaking and crashingly slapstick all at the same time. Director and choreographer Pina Bausch (July 27, 1940 - June 30, 2009) "Cafe Muller" (1978, TV version 1985) Cast: Pina Bausch, Malou Airaudo, Domenique Mercy, Jan Minarik, Nazareth Panadero, Jean Laurent Sasportes. MusiŃ by Henry Purcell / "The Fairy Queen" and "Dido and Aeneas" When I looked at the calendar change today, to November, I suddenly, inexplicably, had a flashback to this period in New York City of November in 1986...