Wow! KCET is now The Sid and Marty Krofft Channel!

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, but last month KCET, Los Angeles' former affiliate for PBS, dumped decent educational programming to replay really, really old, campy re-runs of the same crap we laughed at in the 1970s. Amazingly, here's what's on my former PBS station right now: January 2, 2011: Lidsville (TV Series 1971–1973) A '70s show about a boy who is trapped inside what appears to be a bad acid trip in Burbank where scary hats yell and jump about and sing loudly at you about nothing remotely sensible. There's Weenie the Genie (aka, Billie Hayes , who was Witchiepoo on H.R. Pufnstuf) who, I am willing to bet, was an inspiration for Pee Wee Herman's "Jambi." Just a hunch. The lead boy, "Mark," is played by Butch Patrick , who formerly played Eddie Munster. But, the show also features a very ugly, green-headed Charles Nelson Reilly who mostly chuckles loudly and yells really ...