I finally saw Elton John in concert!

Last night I went to my first and only Elton John concert. Check THIS out: My ticket! That's my ticket , my friends! That's my ticket to Elton John ...Last night. Finally, after all these years. Wow. That's my teen-age idol out there! I mean -- his play list was almost too much to take it in. You have to understand, he was my idol, but I had never once made it to an Elton John Concert. Here he is striking a pose. Let me backtrack; If you knew me growing up, (say, anytime between 1970 and 1982) you would know what a huge, major, big deal going to an Elton John concert for the first time really would be. What can I say? I was an only child living in a somewhat rural part of New England with what can only be described as astonishingly un-hip parents. This meant nobody took me to a rock concert or even drove me into the next town to buy anyone's latest album, either. I was on my own...However, I learned to be very resourceful that way. I was a dedicated fan...