Who is worried about the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine the most? Chicken Little, or The Little Red Hen?

-- Or, The H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine. Is it really safe, or not? -- Swine Flu advice from an occasional "Chicken Little:" Okay, so the truth is, I really do try to keep an open mind to all things alternative and natural. I try to not be a pharmaceutical lemming jumping over the cliff with whatever "new drug" treatment is being offered simply because I'm being told to. I've learned the hard way to research things first. I really do understand that there are safe and helpful drugs and bad ones which have been rushed to the market and have caused harm. It's a major problem. But, not all drugs are dangerous, medications are harmful and all western medicine is corrupt. All ask is that people keep and open mind about the Swine Flu and make a wise decision. That's why, when I heard there was a city flu clinic last weekend, I stood in line for hours with hundred'...