Mysterious Skin: An amazing night of theater at East West Players

Last night I made my way up and out of Orange County to go see " Mysterious Skin ," a play written by my friend and blogger pal, Prince Gomolvilas, which is now enjoying its Los Angeles premiere at East West Players. I have to say, I was in a hurry last night, so while flying up the 110 freeway, I worked to make my mind an empty slate about what I t hought the play was going to be like. I knew only that it was going to be shocking. True, I had heard the play (based on Scott Heim's novel) was "adult" and gay-themed, but other than this, I attempted to keep my understanding of what to expect last night as spoiler-free as possible. I wanted to absorb as much as possible last night completely free of preconceptions. Luckily, I actually made it to my seat just in time to hear a lovely introduction by the play's director, Tim Dang, before the show began. And I'm so grateful I was there for the first night of the run. " Mysterious Skin ...