How Lyndon LaRouche stole $150 from a Trader Joe's...

It's true. LaRouchepac .Org actually cost my local Trader Joe's roughly $150.00 of my dollars last week. Granted, I'm small potatoes, but in this economy, losing any business should matter. But, apparently, to Trader Joe's, it doesn't. To be honest, they seemed insultingly laid back about how just how their loyal customers felt about being confronted with racist images at their store. Which seems, I don't know, wrong. I'd have done more to get my right to do business needs met, if I were them...but, I'm getting ahead of myself, here. Apparently if you are a member of an annoying cult looking to set up shop in a busy marketplace to, apparently the front of Trader Joe's is the place to be. -- Who knew? So, just how does LaRouchepac .Org get away with comparing Obama to Hitler? Because they have the right to free speech, that's how. Even if it gets racist, they can do this. And I do get that this is America and we do that here, but, som...