Liz Taylor: An appreciation: Movie Star, Goddess and Inspiration

I am sure that there's nothing I can say here which hasn't already been said elsewhere about the recent loss of film legend and screen goddess, Liz Taylor. However, she was an inspiration so I must throw in my own two cents to share how much I, too, adored her beauty, spirit and style. I think what I loved the most about Taylor was the sense that she always seemed to be 100% really living her life. I adored her for this. It wasn't just her otherworldly beauty, it was her joy in being alive. She wore what she wanted to wear, not what they said she should. She always loved who she wanted to love. And, Lord knows, she always said what she wanted to say. She was a goddess. And, yes, she was astonishingly beautiful, but it was her honesty, wit and her outrageousness which I respected most. She loved being alive. Look at this beautiful child. Of course she became a screen goddess, because she's amazing. She was the real deal and, nope, ...