
Showing posts with the label tell all Senators how we feel about affordable healthcare

Last minute plea to Americans to call all U.S, Senators to urge vote no on Trumpcare, and share personal story why healthcare is important to you.

Download this: U.S. SENATE / 115TH CONGRESS LIST OF ALL SENATORS Phone Numbers.…/resour…/pdf/senators_phone_list.pdf Louise Larsen, Founder/Dir. Parents of Kids with a Severe Peanut Allergy, Founder Indivisible OC 47, Member Indivisible OC and Indivisible Connected Long Beach, reaches out to fellow Americans to join her in a national phone bank action to call all US Senators to either thank them for fighting the passage of Trumpcare and to keep Obamacare in place and work to improve it -- or to let Republican Senators know if they support Trumpcare they will never again see re-election. Callers are urged to make their personal phone calls to all senators a personal one based on their own healthcare narrative and just why affordable healthcare is a must for themselves and their family. PLEASE FIND THE LIST OF US SENATORS FROM THE PDF ADDRESS AT TOP OF THIS POST.