Last minute plea to Americans to call all U.S, Senators to urge vote no on Trumpcare, and share personal story why healthcare is important to you.
Download this: U.S. SENATE / 115TH CONGRESS LIST OF ALL SENATORS Phone Numbers.…/resour…/pdf/senators_phone_list.pdf Louise Larsen, Founder/Dir. Parents of Kids with a Severe Peanut Allergy, Founder Indivisible OC 47, Member Indivisible OC and Indivisible Connected Long Beach, reaches out to fellow Americans to join her in a national phone bank action to call all US Senators to either thank them for fighting the passage of Trumpcare and to keep Obamacare in place and work to improve it -- or to let Republican Senators know if they support Trumpcare they will never again see re-election. Callers are urged to make their personal phone calls to all senators a personal one based on their own healthcare narrative and just why affordable healthcare is a must for themselves and their family. PLEASE FIND THE LIST OF US SENATORS FROM THE PDF ADDRESS AT TOP OF THIS POST.