
Showing posts with the label russia

More video evidence why Sarah Palin is a total moron

More of that jaw dropping interview with Katie Couric. From CBS Last night, we showed you what Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin had to say about the economy (in case you missed it, she said we're at some risk of repeating the Great Depression). Tonight, we'll show you what Katie asked her about foreign policy - and where Palin said she stands. First, a little taste of what's to come. Here's a link to the CBS transcripts as well as the video Just a couple of questions, here. WHAT WAS MCCAIN THINKING?! He met with her ONLY once. Once. HOW STUPID DOES THE GOP THINK WE ARE THAT WE WOULDN'T NOTICE HOW STUPID THIS VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE REALLY IS? It's offensive this is what they chose. HOW DUMB DO THEY THINK WE ARE NOT TO KNOW WHY THEY ARE AVOIDING A DEBATE NOW? This is absurd. That woman is can't keep her kids out of a meth lab, what makes us think she can deal with Putin? It's crazy. It should ju...