
Showing posts with the label pluto

The aliens in District 9 look nothing like the real ones

According to District 9 's filmmaker, Neill Blomkamp, the "prawn-like" aliens from his compelling sci-fi film, District 9 , look nothing like what he really imagines the real ones look like. (By the way, if you haven't seen District 9 , I found it to be an extremely imaginative, engrossing action film which also happens to be up for a whole bunch of Oscars, as well.) However, according to Blomkamp in this TED video, real extraterrestrials would not only look nothing like his District 9's bug-like creatures, but they would also be (if I have this correct) the inevitable extensions of our evolution in going from a Type "0" species, into a more evolved, Type "1" species. According to Blomkamp, he theorizes that the reason we don't find others like us in the universe is not because they don't exist, it's just that they never make the transition from singular civilizations into one unified global civilization (which he quotes being e...