
Showing posts with the label beach boys

Emile Haynie's Falling Apart featuring Andrew Wyatt and Brian Wilson

So, this morning, this, this thing , this sound, this song spilled out of my crappy car speakers (KCRW) and I immediately had to pull over into yet another nameless stripmall to just -- stop and listen to this one song. I got no videos, no lyrics, nothing but this link to the song "Falling Apart," by Emile Haynie. You're welcome.

McCain singing the "Bomb Iran" song Obama referred to in Debate

Anyone curious about what that "bomb Iran" song was that Obama reminded McCain about having sung "for a joke?" First I found a youtube clip of his thoughtless rambling at length and below is a MoveOn.Org reaction to his revealing gaff. Below that is the MoveOn.Org reaction to it. But, here's what's so disgusting and revealing about who this angry, arrogant, petulant jerk really is: You have to then view this last clip where he not only defends his irresponsible "song-joke" but slams the idea that anyone should think it out of place. McCain Responds to "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran" Video on WNYC radio: This guy is so out of touch with the rest of the world that the concept of putting him and Palin in the Whitehouse just seems like the purest form of insanity.