I Can't Believe I'm Not "Sherman's March."

I keep thinking that Eric Schaeffer's show, "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single" reminds me of something, but until now, couldn't figure out what it was. I knew it wasn't Woody Allen...What was it? Finally, I finally put my finger on it: It's a knock-off of " Sherman's March ," which does happen to be a terrific cult documentary from 1986. Sherman's March was a genuinely unique and terrific film. If you haven't seen it, do. It's wonderful. But Schaeffer is no Ross McElwee . McElwee is has depth and substance with a deep respect for women, despite his search (on film) for the right one. Now, I get it: Schaeffer's doing his own "Sherman's March" thing on Showtime. On last week's episode we saw his second "potential" girl friend on "I can't Believe I'm Still Single." This time his femme du jour was a sweet natured, comic and dog-walker named "Lauren." Let me jus...