Exclusive: Donny Ward of 'Still Single' dated a teenage Michelle Williams

During the last episode of "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single" Mark Ebner interviews Donny Ward and pointedly reminds (no, actually, he baits) Ward that Ward did once date a "teen superstar" when Ward was in his thirties. What astonished me was that Ward not only confirmed this fact, but did so by repeating the phrase, "But, she was a legal teen." And then Ward went on to sort-of brag that he debated this moral issue surrounding dating a younger woman amongst all his other guy friends, who all confirmed that if they'd been in his shoes, they'd have dated her, too. He even seemed to crow about how similar his situation was to that of the relationship between the Woody Allen and Mariel Hemingway characters in the Allen's film, Manhattan . (Okay. Got that, Donny & Mark. Whoever she was, she was smoking hot and very, very young. So, who was she? ) It wasn't too hard to figure out from looking at Ward's bio l...