
Showing posts with the label tamiflu

"Little Pig, little Pig, let me come in."

...And so the little pig decided to build a house of bricks He knew the bricks would keep him safe from harm. And this made the wolf so mad.   The wolf howled "Let me  in , let me in!"  "Or I'll huff and I'll puff till I blow your house in!" "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin" laughed the pig. He laughed so hard that he started to cough. Before long the little pig realized he couldn't let the wolf in at all. The little pig couldn't let in the wolf  because was too sick to get out of bed. The wolf repeated his demand, "Little Pig, little pig, let me in!" And the little pig thought to himself. "I can't.  You're already here." Finally, the wolf heard the little pig coughing and the wolf tucked his tail between his legs, and took off running just as fast as he could run. -- The end. Mr. Swine Flu.  H1N1.  It's here. Yes, yesterday we had a visitor in our house.  Mr...