A must-see for anyone leaning toward McCain. Great video!

My parents, actually, sent this clip to me, which surprised me for a few reasons.

First of all, it uses a few bad words, which isn't like them to endorse, but, also because, I didn't think they knew how to view, or re-send a video link. Wow. I stand corrected. (Note: Not the first time I've said this.)

Anyhow, I opened up the clip, mostly to be supportive regarding their senior, fledgling attempts to master the internet to happily discover one of the best pre-voting day videos I've seen!

This one is just great. It spells out the last 8 years leading up to this election clearly and in depth as well as anything I've watched on television over the past year, alone. See it. It's great.

If you have a few minutes, take a moment to watch, then send to anyone anywhere you even think might be an "undecided voter." This clip is one of our last, best chances on enlightening voters about what the best choice for our president should be.

It really is a great clip. (Thanks Mom and Dad. Well done.)


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