Dreading November 5th.
I read a wonderful post by Larry David on Huffington Post called Waiting for November 4th, and if you haven't read it already, you really should. He's brilliant and honest about a certain anxiety we all share these days.
But I've been thinking about this, and I have to admit it's not November 4th that worries me, it's November 5th.
Can you imagine our world on "the day after?" Even if Obama wins, I've lost friends and made neighborhood enemies.
For the record, I live in a blue collar section of Orange County, and by now my neighbors hate me, since I've been a visual thorn in their side with my Obama stickers and the like.
And then there's just the election-road rage I have to worry about for another week or so.
I simply don't know if I can survive the road-rage directed at me here in Orange County for having a "Women for Obama" (and the other three stickers) sticker on my car. I get a lot of people flipping the bird at me, driving by slow and scowling at me. People are getting very testy out there. The cauldron is bubbling over with bitterness and rage about this election.

We have about 10 days to go and sometimes I catch myself checking my rear-view mirror, like Karen Silkwood, while driving my kids to school. I know that's a bit paranoid of me, to say that, but there is a very strong antagonistic sentiment out there, and I don't appreciated that on the road. The collective hostility over this election is real and I think it's as close as I've ever gotten to what a civil war must feel like. I hope this is as close as that gets.
But, my question is: What about November 5th? How will our landscape look on that day. Well, I know there will be a load of white, male rage in my zipcode.
And there's the little issue of election-news withdrawal I will no doubt suffer from. I may have to go to a MSNBC-detox center, to break my addiction to the daily mud wrestling match I've witnessed over this election 24/7.
But -- I have an even more cynical question for you:
What happens IF Tim Robbins turns out not to have been paranoid on Bill Maher's show last week, but ends up being right about election day problems, and the unthinkable happens? What IF Obama loses? I just arrived in Los Angeles when we had the Rodney King riots, and that wasn't pretty. But -- can anyone imagine what will happen if Obama loses?
Oh, my God.
I think I'm about to have another "Nostradamus Moment."
But I've been thinking about this, and I have to admit it's not November 4th that worries me, it's November 5th.
Can you imagine our world on "the day after?" Even if Obama wins, I've lost friends and made neighborhood enemies.
For the record, I live in a blue collar section of Orange County, and by now my neighbors hate me, since I've been a visual thorn in their side with my Obama stickers and the like.
And then there's just the election-road rage I have to worry about for another week or so.
I simply don't know if I can survive the road-rage directed at me here in Orange County for having a "Women for Obama" (and the other three stickers) sticker on my car. I get a lot of people flipping the bird at me, driving by slow and scowling at me. People are getting very testy out there. The cauldron is bubbling over with bitterness and rage about this election.

We have about 10 days to go and sometimes I catch myself checking my rear-view mirror, like Karen Silkwood, while driving my kids to school. I know that's a bit paranoid of me, to say that, but there is a very strong antagonistic sentiment out there, and I don't appreciated that on the road. The collective hostility over this election is real and I think it's as close as I've ever gotten to what a civil war must feel like. I hope this is as close as that gets.
But, my question is: What about November 5th? How will our landscape look on that day. Well, I know there will be a load of white, male rage in my zipcode.
And there's the little issue of election-news withdrawal I will no doubt suffer from. I may have to go to a MSNBC-detox center, to break my addiction to the daily mud wrestling match I've witnessed over this election 24/7.
But -- I have an even more cynical question for you:
What happens IF Tim Robbins turns out not to have been paranoid on Bill Maher's show last week, but ends up being right about election day problems, and the unthinkable happens? What IF Obama loses? I just arrived in Los Angeles when we had the Rodney King riots, and that wasn't pretty. But -- can anyone imagine what will happen if Obama loses?
Oh, my God.
I think I'm about to have another "Nostradamus Moment."