McCain said "Rates were -- " What?!

I'll give you a hint, it's a "C" word (No, not Communism ) and is roundly considered quite tasteless in certain circles. -- I'm sure Grandma loved this one!

So, I have to share something with you --

-- Yesterday, I posted a video which really offended one of my few blog-readers. Upon her request I took it down right away, because "my personal protester" made a valid point about it appearing to be too pro-violence toward women.

Since the subject of that video happened to be, a shameless wolf killing, moose-skinning "Six Pack Joe" herself, and sure isn't my idea of a typical woman, I have to admit, this one did get by me. My bad.

However, my husband, who is a "professional writer," was shocked when I told him I was posting this today. He thought I should've left up the one with Terry Tate tackling Palin and not posted this.

He argues that while he thinks it's funny, too, that since it's using a word he says feminists find extremely offensive is, well, bound to upset one reader in particular.

Note* If it does upset her, again, she can just call my ass on the carpet, as usual. The one thing I do know about this one person is that they're not shy about speaking their mind.

So, that having been said I, uh, I apologize in advance if the above deeply offends anyone.

Sorry, but I happen to think some things are just funny. But, I'm not a card-carrying feminist, and I realize my particular sensibilities can run counter-intuitive to the very far left. Not often, but, occasionally.

In other words, comedy is not always something that works if you think about it too much, so, if my blog still offends you, I'm really sorry. I'm not trying to upset you. This is just stuff that made me laugh, that's all.


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