"The Turning Point" & "White Nights" Vs. "Black Swan"

So, with fond memories of the 1977 film, "The Turning Point," I've had some thoughts about taking my 14-year-old art school daughter to a matinee to see "Black Swan." *Note* Update: I just got back from seeing "Black Swan." Be sure to read my review of it here. I mean, they're about women, ambition and ballet world, right? What could be more apropos? But, perhaps MacLaine's famous line, "Keep your hands off of my daughter!" would carry different meaning in "Black Swan," the 2010 ballet-themed thriller. Great Movie Lines from "The Turning Point" Emma: "You got married because you knew you were second rate!" Dee Dee: "You're over the hill and you know it !" Dee Dee: "NOT MY DAUGHTER! YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!" And then there's the post-fight lines: Dee Dee: "Oh, Emma, if only she knew everything we know." Em...