I. Am. "Snow Mommy!"

"Oh, MIGHTY WHITENESS!" It's official. I did it. I brought it on: All of it; Snow and Ice. Due to the all seeing, all powerful eyes of me, "Goddess Snow-Mommy," I've succeeded in delaying tmy 5th grader's class trip to Cedar Crest (for a day) due to my hazardous conditions. Sadly, all my magic Uber-powers over the elements will be gone by tomorrow. And good thing, too. Juliet is fairly bummed, as her whole class is, to have to wait yet one more day for the camp trip. I laughed and told her that she may still get to make up that extra day she missed today, because they're talking about another storm coming in just before they are supposed to return on Friday! Beware the all-seeing eyes of "Snow-Mommy!"