World According to (some) Breeders, rule #2: Moms: Don't carry a loaded gun.

Newsflash: Flaming fool flaunting the right to carry a loaded gun 24/7 is shot to death by own husband. From CNN ...Pennsylvania soccer mom was chatting with a friend via webcam when she was shot to death by her husband, who then went upstairs and shot himself, police said Friday. Meleanie Hain , 31, made national headlines last year as the mother who carried a loaded, holstered handgun to her 5-year-old daughter's soccer game... I am kind of surprised this needs explanation, since most parents I know put their children's safety above all else, but apparently there are some "breeders" who think they have the right to carry around loaded guns all the time. Around our kids, and our schools, and soccer games, sleep overs...You know, carry around loaded guns whenever and where ever they want to. Even around dumb, soon-to-be ex-husbands with anger management issues. Yep. The perfect place to have a loaded gun sitting around. However, from what I've heard, C...