
Showing posts with the label vimeo

Gold Panda: Community


California Inspires Me: Jack Black (2014)

California Inspires Me: Jack Black (2014) from Nicolas Ménard on Vimeo . The California Sunday Magazine, in collaboration with Google Play, approached me to participate to their California Inspires Me project, a series of animated interviews on Californian artists. This time, Jack Black is covering growing up in Hermosa Beach, an early crush and Spicoli lifestyles.

Small Garden: Shunsuke Saito

小さな庭園 / Small Garden from Shunsuke Saito on Vimeo . 監督・アニメーション 斎藤俊介 音楽:岡本憲昭 音響・ミックス:染谷和孝 2D背景美術:佐々木達也 2Dアニメーション仕上げ:スズキハルカ ロゴデザイン:怡土希帆 Small Garden Director / Animator : Shunsuke Saito Music : Noriaki Okamoto Sound, Mixing : Kazutaka Someya 2D Background painting : Tatsuya Sasaki 2D Animation finishing : Haruka Suzuki Logo design : Kiho Ito 12 min. 22 sec. / 2014

SPLITSCREEN: A Love Story from James W. Griffiths / parallel universe

Splitscreen: A Love Story from James W Griffiths on Vimeo .

Love, Japan

LOVE JAPAN from David Anthony Parkinson on Vimeo .

This is called "LOVE." In November, the advent of a long stretch of coldness and shorter days, for some reason I think about "LOVE."

LOVE from Jason Silva on Vimeo .

Bulletproof Thoughts: Ray Bradbury

BULLETPROOF THOUGHTS #2. Ray Bradbury from Antoni Sendra // PODENCO on Vimeo .

'Wait for me.' A love story

So sad, but a love story, nonetheless.