Hey Sarah Palin & a little story about "sing-a-longs"

Okay, I know I am supposed to stay off the computer for a variety of sound reasons, but I really do just have one more Sarah Palin link, posted by Tina from fishbowlLA.

The Sarah Palin Song

If I could take just a minute here to share a quick story about my own recent encounter regarding "sing-a-longs."

Last month, before it left the theaters, I took my daughter with me to see an early matinee of "the" feel-good, mother-daughter film of this decade, Mamma Mia!.

After all Juliet was going to start middle school which didn't begin for a week or so, yet, and she was out of school without her little sister so it seemed the perfect occasion to do something bonding together:

Since tickets to Wicked aren't in the budget, we opted for Mamma Mia! and rushed to catch the first showing of the film so that we could get back and pick up Anna Lily by 2:25.

We arrived just after the previews to take our seats in what I could vaguely sense was a surprisingly full theater.

We were happily watching the cheerful, enigmatic Meryl Streep (always amazing.) in Mamma Mia!, minding our own beewax when suddenly -- all around us -- the audience burst into song.

I jumped. Juliet jumped. We looked at each other with our jaws dropped and peering about, squinting, as our eyes adjusted to the dark, to see what was going on. Then it dawned on me, this must be "the blue hair crowd" at the early show.

But, there were so many of them. Add to this realization that Bella Terra must be on the Leisure World bus route, was the surprising discovery there was a fairly large crowd of developmentally disabled seated with us, as well.

This was kind of a surprising turn of events for us, given that we clearly had overlooked the notice on the marquis stating this was the "sing-a-long" version. I didn't even know there was a sing-a-long version.

So imagine my surprise when suddenly the audience around us, with walkers, oxygen tanks and accompanied by paid medical aids, they all enthusiastically, in unison, just burst into song!

It was like watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show at Leisure World.

I looked at my daughter, who had rather worriedly shrunk down in her seat, and I told her reassuringly,

"Wow. Well, I know this is weird, but if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"

And we did.

It was great.

But, I digress -- This (similiarly subtitled) current events ditty also happens to be pretty funny.


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