
Showing posts with the label Edward Gorey

How to dress when Edward Gorey is your style icon:

If you've been following my blog over time you will see that I've hit something of a wall with my divergent blog themes:  No doubt I am in full-on blogging identity crisis. I promise you there's a good reason this which I will certainly explain in the future. Until then, let me state that my entire blogging narrative, it's entire trajectory until now has simply been to write about what I find interesting, or important at that particular moment in time.  Well, lately my world has been suddenly flipped back into a world I'd thought I'd left behind a long time ago:  The world of fashion. Also, in tribute to all things Gorey I am headed up to Los Angeles today to catch the VERY LAST weeked of the Tim Burton exhibit at LACMA .  (YES, IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET -- THIS IS IT!) And so given that my world lately has been all about style and fashion and that I always have loved Edward Gorey reblogging this great post seemed like a great choice. Enjoy...

The Ghastly Gorey

Okay, as someone with a fairly sizable collection of Edward Gorey memorabilia, it wasn't unusual to be sent a link to some of his apparently overlooked work. However, what was astonishing was how disturbingly differenent this  was, even for someone like, well, like Edward Gorey. Granted, I, myself, can be known to have an occasionally grim sense of humor, but this particular book? I don't know, it just hit me wrong. What's the matter with me? Am I getting too old to laugh at dark comedy, now? Yes, Edward Gorey was a creative genius, but, I still find myself asking: -- Was he trying to piss someone off with this book? The title in question, The Recently Deflowered Girl, is unappologetically loaded with so much (uncharacteristic) misogyny that I was stunned. It actually didn't seem like his other stuff. I thought. Perhaps he never even wrote it, at all. Hard to tell at a glance since he's used so many faux names before. Maybe it was nothing more than an illustr...