Ruffling right-wing, OC feathers over Prop 8

I guess I must be doing something right, because I got my first "hate" spam.

First of all, I just want to state how happy I am about my new discovery, finding a liberal website practically in own my back yard. (You mean...I'm not alone here?)

Anyhow, one of the their topics "du jour" were arguments pro & con regarding Prop 8, including citations from Prince's "Open Letter to a Gay Friend."

So, naturally I had to add my two cents.

My post on The Liberal OC's website.

Well, at least I know someone read my post, because here's what "OCGator" had to say:

OCGator, on October 18th, 2008 at 12:33 pm Said:

"My God I haven’t seen this much bullshit in a while. Plain and simple,
Vote yes on 8 My Pop used to have a saying “Rave on cat shit, somebody will bury you” this applies especially to louise on the left."

Gosh. He knows me so well.


Hate spam! You have finally made to the upper echelons of the blogosphere! Congratulations, and welcome!
Yes, thanks, I am pretty proud of that!

So, it looks like some of your inspirational writing has gone and done it again! You've gone an incited a legion of rebels to action!

Yeah, so the LiberalOC snipe reminded to dig out one of my favorite quotes --

-- "Whatever the public criticizes you for, cultivate; for it is you."

~ Jean Cocteau.

I don't know why, but I just love that. :o)

Thanks for all your support and inspiration!


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