The World According to (Some) Breeders
Welcome to my new column The World According (some) to Breeders . Rule #1) Do not EVER think about giving a minor even a fraction of a Quaalude to do her in the naughty place, or any place, and try to get out of it. So, to speak. According to this breeder, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Perhaps this spoof of To Catch a Predator says it all. As funny as it is it brilliantly illustrates my point that it doesn't matter if you are an award-winning director or the guy down the street; Older men justifying sex with minors all sounds the same. Polanski did the crime. He does the time. Deal with it. Creativity or having a shitty childhood or horrible past does so NOT earn you a pass when you victimize someone else. If having a crappy childhood made criminals harder to jail, we'd have prisons filled with white collar criminals. (Not a bad idea, actually) And if you do not think having sex with a thirteen year old isn't victimization, then you don...