Meet my one degree of separation with Red Carpet greatness for the 2009 Academy Awards, this year....

My handsome, tuxedo'd up reporter husband, Pete Larsen! Note: Dashing handsome Orange County Register reporter with handy-dandy notebook interviews "difficult" celebrities on the cement carpet. (Oh, wait, that's not "Steve" in Blue's Clues, is it?) Peter Larsen, The Orange County Register : Hello, Miss, can you answer one or two questions, for me? Miss Larsen #1 : I need to check with my press agent, first. Reporter: So, who do you predict will win the Academy Award for Best Actress this year? Miss Larsen #2: Why, Mom's old school chum, Melissa Leo, of course! We all saw Frozen River can't tell why on earth it got an "R" rating, because Mommy talks like that all the time. Note: Dashing press vehicle including official OSCARS press pass. Okay, so, once again I waved so long to my husband, tuxedo'd up and ready to meet and greet the stars who strut down the infamous red carpet on their way into the 2009 Academy Awards. ...