
Showing posts with the label how to entertain kids on the road

Summer car trips with daughters. Or, Why Traveling with Eloise is much easier than traveling with Madeline.

So, here it is:  Summer Vacation. Everyone on their way overseas to Europe?  To Capri, perhaps? Well, not if your bank account looks like ours, you're not.    We're lucky if we can afford gas to get to Pasadena.  And we live in Orange County, CA (about 40 miles away, okay?) If you are one of the "lucky Americans" this summer, who can afford to drive to a different zipcode, then I thought I might offer you one or ideas about traveling long distances with girls.  I have two.  Now, age 13 and 9.     But, they were once 2 and 6.  And even 4 and 8.  They have always been two girls, about 4.5 years apart.   Which means, as far as mutual entertainment goes, they are in two different camps of female child preoccupation.  This means:  Car trips required lots of crap for each of them.  (Or, so I thought.)  One pile of crap will not entertain the other child and visa versa. Back in time both girls were endlessly ...