Local Southern CA High Schoolers Strut their theater stuff this weekend at CSULB TheatreFest 2010

Yesterday and today I get to play "Judge" at this year's CSULB 2010 TheatreFes t! (Question I could see on the faces of the competing groups: Was I a "Kara, Randy, "E" or a SIMON???" (Answer: None of them in person, since every performance was on paper. So on paper I would say I was mostly Ellen, a little of Randy and a little of Simon. I wasn't dressed in enough bling to be Kara.) So, yeah, yesterday I saw 30+ comedic scenes by So. Cal. High School kids, and today I get to see even more comedic monologues. Lots of great talent out there! Local theater kids everywhere need to step up their game because the competition is fierce! :o) (To learn more about the CSULB TheatreFest competition click here .) Today I get to judge Comedic Monologues today and I'm really looking forward to it! Such great energy out there and some really talented kids. It's always a huge surprise who jumps out with the best performance. I learn ...