Bonding over Hitchcock at The Alex Theater

This weekend I took my daughter to see another "mother," the mother of all slasher movies, that is, which in our case happened to be a screening of Hitchock's classic film, Psycho . Now, normally, this is not something I suggest every mother and daughter do. However, in our case it worked. And it made for the perfect day together. How could I pass up a chance to share Psycho at The Alex Theater in Glendale, which is an experience in itself? Now, I can honestly state what I suspected all along, that Psycho makes for some great mother-teen-girl bonding. Trailer for Psycho Maybe what worked was just exploring all those archetypes, symbols and images together. Spending time talking about what we observed. Sharing details about what we noticed and thought was funny or truly creepy. I loved having another chance to talk about the roles women played in our society over the years. Or how men view(ed?) women. My God, there were so many references that women a...