What is Voina?

Good question. Voina is a group of Russian artists who engage in street action art. The Independent describes it best in their article: "Artists Who Crossed The Line." An art group that stages orgies, throws cats at cashiers and has Banksy as a fan has enraged the Russian authorities By Shaun Walker Voina throwing cats in supermarkets Voina overturning police cars Voina drawing penis on bridge in St. Petersburg I suppose what Voina is, is a movement in contemporary art which is relatively new to Russia despite being widespread in the West and is regarded by critics as one of the most valuable contemporary art movements. Apparently, it's got people talking. Even Banksy is fan. And they have people paying attention, which means, I like them even better. If you ask them what their goals are you get this bizarrely complex and lofty definition: Goals and objectives of the Art-Group Vojna in the period 2008-2010. Rebirth of heroical beha...