Are Left Brain, or Right Brained? -- Simple test to find out

No, this is not a trick question. It's not even a political test. It's actually the biproduct of a masochist ritual I have of reading a daily "blog search" for any posts containing the words "Louise's blog." I have never, not even once, managed to appear in even one of these daily Google searches. However, on the positive side, plenty of other interesting "Louise's blog" items have come to my attention, which, I have discovered is actually kind of cool. And so, today, I introduce to you, " another Louise" -- from another " Louise's blog ," far, far away...where I found something that my middle schooler and her friends seem to find very fascinating, indeed. (I have no idea if it's true, but I have to say that according the instructions the answer does seem to fit my profile.) Enjoy 1. Hold your hands together, as if you were praying. Look at your hands. Left thumb below the right thumb = left brain Right th...