Dog Lover Clip and the Tale of How We Got "Buddy"

If you are a dog-lover, then you will "get" this video, even if it means patiently waiting till the end it for it's message. Okay, I was so busy today that I was convinced I had no time for blogging. Then I saw this clip online and I suddenly knew I had to post something about it right away. It's so close to our own experience with "Buddy" that I just had to write about it. The truth is, what happens in the above clip is almost exactly what happened to me in my own life about three years ago. The Tale of How We Got Buddy. One day, while dropping my kids off at school I noticed a dog rushing frantically through busy traffic. He was shivering, and kind of limping and I had no idea who's dog he was. Or if he was sick or injured, or what this animal's story was. I was just driving by. I had kids to drop off. This was not the day I planned. It was about 5 minutes before the elementary school bell was going to ring, and if you h...