The conclusion of Eric Schaeffer's "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single." (Season One)

So. We finally made it. We all finally saw Eric Schaeffer finally get to Mecca -- Maine to meet the one of two women he obsessed about ad nauseum for weeks, now. (One of whom was Liza O'Brien, now married to Conan O'Brien, and the other was this mystery woman he once met and thought now might be perfect for him. Gee, that sounds like another old guy's delusional hopes riding on a younger woman...Who is that? Oh, yeah, McCain. In any event. Eric's show is officially over and done with. It ended unceremoniously, but I feel obligated to write about the last show. Some sort of conclusion to my reaction to his Showtime series. And I'm going to make this my last post about this guy, who, surprisingly, has quite a following, let me tell you. Anyhow. What did I think of his show? Here's my Un-Review. First of all: This guy can make money. Seriously. He knows how to sell ice to Eskimos, is my first reaction, because he always gets funding. And he always delive...