More Marceline Musing

My hero(ine) du Jour: Marceline, The Vampire Queen, from Adventure Time. If you're not a fan of Adventure Time you can begin to catch up on what the fuss is about here. Cartoon Network's ADVENTURE TIME. Yesterday, as I was going over the list of items for this character's costume I asked "Anna Lily! Just who the heck is this "Marceline?" What does she even look like?" She thought about it and said, "We-ell, she's kind-of hard to describe. Hm. Well, she's cool and she sings. She's kind-of like an Aimee Mann Vampire. Mom, if you'd actually watch it I bet you'd really like her!" (She knows me so well.) I do, so here's more Marceline-love. Below's a short video clip of The Vampire Queen reading the riot act to another character with a voice I could stand to hear a LOT more of. (Hey, Adventure Time! Time to release an album, or two featuring the Mighty Marceline. She sounds amazing!) ...