
Showing posts from October, 2014

Headless Horseman Song. Disney. Bing Crosby

Icabod Crane Song (This one's for Juliet Larsen) Disney.

Skeleton Frolic (1937)

Mickey Mouse - Haunted House (1929)

The skeleton dance - 1929 disney short

From Röyksopp's Newest album, The Inevitable End

Great tune from Röyksopp. Waiting for someone clever to come up with a decent video to that one, but here's one for another tune on their latest album.

Spoon's video "Do You" by director Hiro Murai

Check out director Hiro Murai's visually more slick-than-poetry version of "Do You." Do you run when it's just getting good?

Tony Zhou David Fincher - And the Other Way is Wrong

David Fincher - And the Other Way is Wrong from Tony Zhou on Vimeo .