MGMT, Spoon & BECK @ Hollywood Bowl - The un-review

Last night's concert featured not one, but three astonishing artists under the stars at the Hollywood Bowl. It was, trust me, a great night of music . But, I am no critic. No reviewer. I'm just a grateful tag-along as another reviewer's "date." Don't expect any great musical insights from me, for anything along those lines you'll have to see what you think of my husband's review of the show today in The Orange County Register. Anyhow -- This is just my own take in my remedial, amature blog which sports about 20 hits a day. Max. So, here's the micro-amateur-review. It was dazzling. We had amazing seats. MGMT, who opened, was terrific. (I'm a huge fan of this group, so I was walking on air from their first familiar notes.) Following their set, Spoon came out played a really mesmerizing, lengthy set, as well. They were really great, too. I finally heard more of their work, last night, meaning that now I need to seek and devour ...