Louise on the Left's Cliff Notes for the research-challenged Liberal Progressive Californian
Louise on the Left's Cliff Notes for the lazy California Liberal Progressive. For those of us with busy lives and not enough time to research things fully, here are a few more links re: endorsements and recommendations regarding the California Special Elections May 19 th , 2009. Also, the election? It's today Like, Tuesday, May 19 th , today -- Later that day -- So, my husband I have been clicking around and STILL have been talking about what the right way to vote really is. It's confusing. He said "none of them will pass." I said "so, why don't we save them?" (I suddenly felt sorry for them. Like they'd been left at the animal shelter.) He said, "Well, because that first link you put up suggested not to." I asked him to recap for me why that was. He reminded me one of my first links was to a progressive group that urged people to vote "no" on all of them . "Why?" I asked, clearly still confused by it all. He f...