
Showing posts with the label misquote

Providential Fortune Cookie

Palin woos a southern California Home Depot crowd with her usual "women helping women" charm. "Ya. I gotta fortune cookie last night, eattin' in a restaurant in a real di-verse part of our great nation, and -- oh -- I just gotta set it straight, I didn't order the dog -- Gosh! *snicker, snicker, wink......I let Obama order off that menu. Anyhoo, ya,' after dinner, served by lots of real happy foreigners, I got this amazin' fortune cookie. And, I'm not kiddin' it was, like, kind of providence, or sumthin' 'cause this is what it said: "She who kills defenseless endangered wildlife from air and abuses executive privilege to lie, cheat and steal, is not worthy of heaven, let alone hell." Seriously, so I'm tellin' ya'! How cool is that?! RIght? ( holds for wild applause ) Ya,' It was divine providence." Alright, so maybe that isn't as funny as it could be, but when Sarah Palin gets by with m...