
Showing posts with the label la models

juliet in lanvin

Carandolet House, Private Runway Show,  with presentation by Albert Elbaz,  November 2011       Alber Elbaz looks on from the podium. The Lanvin team  were lovely and welcoming and I will never have a more treasured fashion memory than this. A night when I was graciously included in the event and not left outside the building until everything is finished and everything's been put away.  So rare for that to happen. Thank you to Monsieur Elbaz, for welcoming some of the parents to the table. I know how very, very unusual occasions like this will be.  You were pure class. Lanvin: Dallas Spring 2012

Teen spokesperson and professional model to address F.A.R.E. (Food Allergy conference) about pursuing her dreams by overcoming fears and staying positive

Great article by Christine Peddle in Allergic Living Magazine  which is always full of amazing information and entirely up-to-date info regarding auto-immune issues and allergies. And this edition has an article featuring someone very dear to my heart:  My eldest daughter, Juliet Larsen, who, in spite of life-threatening food allergies has found the courage to pursue a professional modeling career since the age of 14. NOTE: Juliet Larsen to address Teens at FARE Conference this Sunday, Long Beach, CA.  She will discuss how she felt growing up with this particular food allergy and how she did not let her fears of anaphylaxis stand in the way of following her dreams regarding participating in sports, theater events or even a professional modeling career.   **This Sunday, Long Beach, California at the 2015 annual  F.AR.E. Conference.

How to dress up like "Marceline, The Vampire Queen" from Adventure Time (on a shoestring budget)

It wouldn't be Halloween unless one day before the big day at least one child, in this case, daughter, Annalily Larsen , decides they must be an obscure pop-culture reference to dress-up like. Something "we" can easily pull off a costume in a 24 hour period.  Easy! This year, uh, yesterday my 6th grader informed me she was going to be "Marceline" (a Vampire Queen?) from Adventure Time. I asked if they sold a costume for this, which she confirmed she would not need any of that.  Just one store stop, or two.  And Sharpies.  Plenty of Sharpies. Really all she needed the most was a red An Axe Bass, and a long black wig and vampire teeth.  That's all. Grumbling aside, we did pull off a some kind of ensemble overnight which may pass for the suggestion of the real thing. I struggled hard on the creation of a bass, when, naturally, the obvious thing to do when trying to figure out how to "make"...

Model, Anna Lily Larsen

Anna-Lily Larsen  Photography: Sinden Collier Realisation/Stylist: Rhett Collier Maquillage/Make Up: Dorit Genazzani Hair/Coiffure: Sonny Creer On left: Juliet Larsen ( Vision Los Angeles ), Anna Lily Larsen, right. On left: Juliet Larsen ( Vision Los Angeles ), Anna Lily Larsen ( LA Models Kids ), right. On right: Juliet Larsen ( Vision Los Angeles ), Anna Lily Larsen, left. On right: Juliet Larsen ( Vision Los Angeles ), Anna Lily Larsen, left. "LA BELLE PERSONNE"  A film short by Sinden Collier. La Belle Personne Staring,  J uliet Larsen  (Vision Los Angeles ) and  Anna Lily Larsen Photographer Sinden Collier Stylist: Rhett Collier The lyrics of this video are as follows: "Comme une dédicace au Slam, ça commence acapella Toutes ces voix qui décrassent l'âme, toutes ces voix qui m'ont amenées là" A rough translation: "As a...