
Showing posts with the label canada

Eric Schaeffer Goes to Canada

Okay, I'm on the hook. I said I'd try to give an "un-review" of every episode of this guy's show. So, this week on Season Two of "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single," we saw Eric and his road crew finally make it across the border to Canada. Literally. We saw them drive over the border. Hmmm. No, really. What happened in the last episode? I can't remember... Nothing? I kind of think, sort-of nothing much really happened. This week there were no "date scenes" just really uninspiring road trip chatter. They all agreed that they still liked Allison, the Burlington, VT date, a lot and even phoned her to tell her the food she enabled Eric with was good "after all." Okay, there was a visit with his Dad and his stepmom in Canada. Which was what he described as a good visit and yet, inexplicably, made Eric cry because it brought up stuff that made him feel things. (Real life does that sometimes.) Eric shared with us more...