Note pop culture correction at end of post* I just asked my daughter "Yellow" (for purposes of identity hidage) what the kids are all talking about these days in a certain middle school in seventh grade. Me: "So, what do kids like to talk about when the teachers aren't around?" Yellow: "Well, they like to read all sorts of random dirty things into stuff." Me: "Examples, please?" She said these days all the kids think it's funny to add "that's what SHE said" to everything. Sample banter -- Orange: "It's too small." Blue: "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" (ha, ha, ha....) And another middle school funny is -- During a science class the teacher asked the class "How do you define work?" And one of them said "Something really hard you don't want to do." And then "Green" said "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" (ha, ha, ha...) Another way to play this is to add "i...