Interesting dialogue about mommies who drink
So, I came across this on Heather Armstrong's mega-successful site, Dooce, and at first figured it was a prank video, like something SNL would do, but soon realized it was a serious dialogue about this subject and thought it was pretty interesting, actually. (ps....sorry about the commercial part at the beginning.) * Please note: Someone contacted me via email that they didn't understand why this was on my particular blog (I think they were concerned for me, given that I'm a mom and posted this.) and I realized that I should clarify, that the reason I did find this "momversation" so interesting was because I know this is a valid issue, and something moms talk about when they are alone, however they do not usually discuss out in public. Therefore, let me state that I applaud the honesty of those who were involved in this made-for-blog video, that's all, and that's why it's on this particular mom's blog, now. Okay, well. Oh, look! It's 9:38 A....