Vote YES on Prop 2 -- Stop animal cruelty
See the latest video about how important it is for us to vote FOR Prop 2. The sad news is that California's 20 million farm animals lack basic humane standards - they're so tightly crammed into cages they can't even turn around or stretch their limbs. It's a practice that is simply horrific and unacceptable. And because of your help, we're close to stopping it. This is truly a national campaign: If California voters approve this measure, it will lead to reforms in farming practices nationwide. But Big Agribusiness is just getting started in its campaign of deception. It's pouring millions of dollars--with an average donation of more than $40,000 from agribusiness interests--into a dishonest television campaign to defeat Prop 2 and preserve factory farms' cruel confinement practices. Don't believe the hype by Big Business, that this isn't good for business. That's not true at all, but you know who Big Business people are, right? Their the ones ...