Brilliant Stop Motion Video Made By 17 year Old Using Barbies and Radiohead Cover of "Creep"

Creep (Radiohead) - Scala & Kolacny Brothers from Alex Heller on Vimeo . The above film is a short "stop motion" art piece, set to a haunting cover of Radiohead's 'Creep' (also heard on The Social Network trailer - by Scala & Kolacny Brothers choir). Alex Heller, the seventeen year old who made this brilliant short film, describes herself on vimeo: "Seventeen. Trapped in the suburbs. I root for the underdog." Well, so do I. W hich is why I encourage Heller, and other talented kids like her to continue experimenting with technology to tell stories and to keep alive the art of making film. We desperately need visionaries like Alex Heller these days. So, Alex, I hope you win a big, fat scholarship to whatever school you feel would serve your work the best and that we hear a lot more from you in the future.